37-00-10 Tyler Fairway with UMAXX

37-00-10 Tyler Fairway with UMAXX
37-00-10 Tyler Fairway with UMAXX water-soluble formula is designed to aid the professional golf course superintendent in the quest for thick, lush, deep green turf. Using Tyler 37-00-10 Fairway formulation helps alleviate the stress that bentgrass commonly suffers from. This fertilizer will replace the nutrients that bentgrass takes from the soil and assist the turf in standing up to the heavy amount of traffiic it endures. Nitrogen is stabilized with UMAXX for prevention of denitrification and leaching.
Guaranteed Analysis
Tyler Fairway 37-00-10 Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N) 3.0% Nitrate Nitrogen 34.0% Urea Nitrogen | 37% |
Soluble Potash (K2O) | 10% |
Iron (Fe) 0.10% Chelated Iron (Fe) | 0.10% |
Manganese (Mn) 0.05% Chelated Manganese (Mn) | 0.05% |
- Plant nutrients derived from: Potassium Nitrate & Urea*.
- Iron & Manganese are totally chelated by EDTA Chelate.
- Potential acidity equivalent is 725 lbs. Calcium Carbonate per ton.
- The maximum chlorine content in this product is 0.017%.
- *Urea Nitrogen stabilized with N (N-Butyl) Thiophosphoric Triamide and Dicyandiamide.
Directions for Use
Suggested Rate:
Use 12 lbs per acre to yield .1 lb. N – .027 K per 1,000 sq. ft.
DO NOT apply this fertilizer during extreme environmental conditions. Applications made during periods of high heat and humidity can severely damage turf. Only apply this material when conditions are tolerant to insure safe growing practices.
CAUTION: Do not use with dormant oil, spray lime, lime sulphur or any high alkaline solution.